High Technology
A.S.P.E.N.’s chapters facilitate interdisciplinary efforts among members within the same geographical area. Chapters provide a vehicle for members to exchange information, network with local nutrition support practitioners, and discuss the impact of issues that affect their community and areas of practice. A.S.P.E.N.’s 38 chapters are coast to coast in the U.S. and represent over 40% of the national membership. A.S.P.E.N.’s chapters are multi-faceted grass-roots organizations that carry out the mission and strategic goals of the national organization at the community level.
A.S.P.E.N. offers nutrition support professionals the resources they need to ensure their patients receive the best possible care. Whether it’s keeping up-to-date on the latest developments in clinical nutrition, earning continuing education (CE) credit through our professional development programs, or connecting with peers, A.S.P.E.N. has what you need to excel in the field of nutrition support.Suspendisse tristique volutpat sollicitudin.
To become a WiSPEN member you must be a member of ASPEN. If you want to become a WiSPEN member and are currently a member of ASPEN, complete the following steps:
- Log in to the ASPEN website www.nutritioncare.org
- click on Membership and then click on Join/Renew
- On left click on Online Store
- Type Wisconsin Chapter in the search area and click Go
- Click on the Wisconsin Chapter link when it comes up
- Follow instructions. Click Add to Cart at the top
- Proceed to checkout
- Cost is $15

Shared knowledge
Interdisciplinary Networking
By meeting nutrition support professionals who live and practice in your area, chapters provide an excellent forum for the exchange of ideas, knowledge, and information. Interdisciplinary networking puts you in touch with all members of the nutrition support community and facilitates involvement at the local level.
Chapter Activities
Chapters create multiple opportunities for members to give back to their local and professional communities, become known by their peers, and interact with leaders on a local and national level. This involvement helps to enhance career opportunities in academic and clinical practice, and is a starting point for national involvement and recognition in A.S.P.E.N.
Chapter Meetings
Chapter meetings provide an opportunity to meet continuing education needs and provide a forum for presenting the latest research findings or clinical practices locally. Chapters often invite recognized experts and leaders in nutrition support to speak on a variety of topics and provide opportunities for members with special expertise to share knowledge at the local level.